A few weeks ago I won VIP tickeds for the Mercedes Benz fashion on wheels show in Switzerland. This is a fashion show where young unknown models have the chance to win a start in their career and the chance to walk on the Berlin fashionweek for an international designer :)
And the thing with the wheels is, that they actually have to present the cloth and them selves of course, in or on the top of a driving car! very exciting and quite hard to do too, for an unprofessional and unknown model:D
I was really happy about winning these ticket, cuz I wanted to see how the models do their job and what this show is like. I love fashion shows!
so the cloth the models wore that night have been from designers
I went to that fashion show in a kind of dark and and soft gothic selfie look :) with my lovely friend M'. The funny thing was that we haven't talked about the outfit we wanted to wear that night but when we saw each other we wore a really similar dress which we both bought in australia apart from each other:) my one is by the way from muraboutique !
sorry for the head off xD actually we were able to make a really stupid face on each picture we took 🙊
I used to keep my eye make up simple with a little of brown shadow and a black eyeliner cuz I actually wanted to take the focus on my red lips! 👄
the show was quite nice a great way to combinate fashion and cars! but a lot of the models still have to work on their occur. of coure they were nervous and shaky but the audince shouldn't notice that! so lots of those very beautiful and long legged girls have to work on that. But of course there was this one girl which was pretty much a grey mouse, quite a simple girl but a pretty one ! and SHE was good ! really good ! of course she was the winner! con grats :D
and good luck to the others for their hopefully career ;)
here some impressions of the show and the winner girl Danijela Micic maybe once she'll be a great known model !
the jurors of the evening
xO'xO' Tca